INFORMS Journal on Computing, European Journal of
Operational Research, International Journal of Production
Research, International Journal of Production Economics,
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 等
期刊发表论文。担任国际期刊TRE, CIE, INFOR, IEEE TASE,
IEEE ITS 等审稿人。
电话: 13120387169
邮箱: yantongli@163.com; yantong.li@dlmu.edu.cn
个人学术主页: https://www.dmu-yantongli.com/
博士Ph.D. in Automation, 02/2015 - 02/2019
University of Paris Saclay, Evry, France
硕士M.Eng. in Transportation planning and management, 09/2011 - 12/2013
Military Transportation University, Tianjin, China
学士B.Eng. in Traffic and Transportation, 09/2007 - 07/2011
Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
加拿大拉瓦尔大学, 加拿大魁北克 (访问博士生) 11/2017 - 03/2018
助理研究员,军事科学院, 北京 02/2019 – 02/2021
副教授,大连海事大学,大连 03/2021 – 今
期刊论文 (已发表或接收)
1. Li Yantong(李延通), Côté Jean Francois, Coelho Leandro C., and Wu Peng*(2021). Novel efficient
formulation and matheuristic for large-sized unrelated parallel machine scheduling with release dates.
Available online at International Journal of Production Research, (JCR Q1, IF: 8.568)
2. Li Yantong(李延通), Chu Feng, Côté Jean Francois, Coelho Leandro C., and Chu Chengbin* (2020).
The multi-plant perishable food production routing with packaging consideration. International
Journal of Production Economics, 221, 107472. (JCR Q1, IF: 7.885)
3. Li Yantong(李延通), Chu Feng*, Feng Chenpeng, Chu Chengbin, and Zhou Mengchu (2018).
Integrated production inventory routing planning for intelligent food logistics systems. IEEE
Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(3), 867-878. (JCR Q1, IF: 6.492)
4. Li Yantong(李延通), Chu Feng, Chu Chengbin*, and Zhu Zhanguo (2019). An efficient three-level
heuristic for the large-scaled multi-product production routing problem with outsourcing. European
Journal of Operational Research, 272(3), 914-927. (JCR Q1, IF: 5.334)
5. Li Yantong(李延通), Côté Jean Francois, Coelho Leandro C., and Wu Peng*(2021). Novel
Formulation and Logic-based Benders Decomposition for the Integrated Parallel Machine Scheduling
and Location Problem. Accepted for publication at INFORMS Journal on Computing, (Top UTD 24
Journal, JCR Q3, IF: 2.276) (Forthcoming)
6. Tang Lianhua, Ariano D’Andrea, Xu Xingfang, Li Yantong(李延通), Ding Xiaobing, and Samà
Marcella (2018). Scheduling local and express trains in suburban rail transit lines: Mixed–integer
nonlinear programming and adaptive genetic algorithm. Computers & Operations Research, 135,
105436. (JCR Q2, IF:4.008) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2021.105436
期刊论文 (已投稿在修改)
1. Li Yantong*(李延通), Côté Jean Francois, and Coelho Leandro C. (2021). Efficient Order
Assignment and Scheduling of Personal Protective Equipment During Epidemics. Submitted to
European Journal of Operational Research, Under R&R, Major revision, (JCR Q1, ABS 4*)
2. Li Yantong(李延通), Li Ying, Cheng Junheng, and Wu Peng* (2021). Order Assignment and
Scheduling for Personal Protective Equipment Production during the Outbreak of Epidemics.
Submitted to IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, Under R&R,
Conditionally accepted, (JCR Q1)
3. Zhang Chuang, Li Yantong*(李延通), Cao Junhai, Yang Zhen, and Coelho Leandro C. (2021). Exact
and Matheuristic Methods for the Parallel Machine Scheduling and Location Problem with Delivery
Time and Due Date. Re-Submitted to Computers & Operations Research, Under R&R, Major
revision, (JCR Q2)
4. Zhang Chuang, Li Yantong*(李延通), and Junhai Cao, and Wen Xin (2021). On the Mass COVID-19
Vaccination Scheduling Problem. Submitted to Computers & Operations Research, Under R&R,
Major revision, (JCR Q2)
期刊论文 (已投稿在审稿)
1. Li Yantong*(李延通) and Zhang Shuai (2021). Order Assignment and Scheduling of Personal
Protective Equipment under Uncertainty. Submitted to IISE Transactions, Under review (JCR Q1)
2. Tang Lianhua, Li Yantong*(李延通), Bai Danyu, Liu Tao, and Coelho Leandro C. (2021). Bi-objective
Optimization for a Multi-period COVID-19 Vaccination Planning Problem. Submitted to OMEGA –
The International Journal of Management Science, Under review, (JCR Q1)
3. Li Yantong(李延通), Wen Xin, Choi Tsan-Ming, and Chung Sai-Ho (2021). Combating COVID-19:
Optimal Establishments of Massive Testing Programs. Submitted to Transportation Research Part
B: Methodological, Under review, (JCR Q1)
会议论文 (分组报告)
1. Li Yantong*(李延通), Chu Feng, and Chen Kejia (2017). Coordinated Production Inventory Routing
Planning for Perishable Food. Ifac-Papersonline, 50(1), 4246-4251. (Conference paper)
2. Li Yantong*(李延通), Chu Feng, Chu Chengbin, Zhou Wei, and Zhu Zhanguo (2016). Integrated
production inventory routing planning with time windows for perishable food. In 2016 IEEE 19th
International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) (pp. 2651-2656). (Conference
paper) https://doi.org/10.1109/ITSC.2016.7795982
3. Li Yantong*(李延通), Chu Feng, Yang Zhen, and Calvo Roberto Wolfler (2016). A production
inventory routing planning for perishable food with quality consideration. Ifac-Papersonline, 49(3),
407-412. (Conference paper) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.068
正在做的工作 (正在进行中)
1. Li Yantong*(李延通)(2021). An Efficient Matheuristic for the Order Acceptance, Assignment, and
Scheduling problem. Targeted to European Journal of Operational Research.
2. Li Yantong(李延通), Zhang Chuang* (2021). Multi-period Vaccination Planning Considering Vehicle
Routing Problem. Targeted to Transportation Science.
3. Tang Lianhua, Li Yantong*(李延通)(2021). Large-scale Vaccination Scheduling with Special
Vehicles. Targeted to Production and Operations Management.
4. Xue Li, Li Yantong*(李延通)(2021). COVID-19 Rapid-testing Scheduling under Uncertainty. Targeted
to International Journal of Production Research.
5. Chu Xiang, Wang Rui, Lin Yan, Wen Xin, and Li Yantong*(李延通) (2021). A Blockchain Enabled
Online Trading System for Used Electronics.. Targeted to Transportation Research Part E:
Logistics and Transportation Review.
中法蔡元培项目 (N° 34644SB, 2015-2017) “可持续食品供应链:分析,设计与评价” granted by the
French Foreign and Research Ministries, Chinese Education Ministry. Partners: University of Evry
Val of Essonne (France), University Paris 13 (France) and Nanjing Agricultural University (China).
可推荐至985 高校或香港高校攻博,或推荐至加拿大、法国、德国等国家攻读博士学位。也欢迎有科
2021 年10 月19 日 最后更新
Last updated by October 19, 2021