英国邓迪大学博士,英国皇家特许建造师(MCIOB) 大连市紧缺人才, 大连市高层次人才
英国邓迪大学博士,英国皇家特许建造师(MCIOB) 大连市紧缺人才, 大连市高层次人才
在工程管理领域取得了丰硕的研究成果,已发表学术论著 70 余篇/部,其中包括全英文学术专著一部,中文学术专著三部,学术译著三部。并已发表英文学术论文 50 余篇。其中 SSCI 检索论文 23 篇,SCI 检索论文 23 篇,EI 检索 29 篇。发表在影响系数较高的 JCR 一区国际权威期刊 20 篇,包括 Journal of Cleaner Production; Sustainable Development ; Technology in Society; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews ; Habitat International; ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering ; Energy; Energy Policy;Building and Environment;具有较高的影响
力,受到国内外好评,Scopus 统计总引用次数超过 500 次。
主持和参加了多项省级和国家级科研项目。已六次获得省级社科优秀成果奖, 并多次受邀到国际重要会议以及国外研究机构进行专题报告。受邀兼任了多部国 际核心期刊包括 Habitat International;Energy Policy;Renewable and Sustainable Energy ; Journal of Cleaner Production ; Energy and Buildings ; Building and Environment 等的审稿委员,同时兼任山东省比较管理研究会理事,中国高校 PPP 论坛骨干教师,英国 University of West Scotland 合作博士导师,南非 University of Pretoria 合作博士导师,已协助其培养国外硕士 3 名,博士 2 名
PPP 政府采购;可持续发展;工程管理
2001/11 – 2005/3 英国邓迪大学(Dundee University),工程管理,博士
1999/9 – 2001/11 山东大学,土木工程,硕士
2019/5 - 至今 ,大连海事大学,航运经济与管理学院,教授,博导
2014/6 - 2019/5,山东大学管理学院, 管理科学与工程,教授,博导
2010/6 - 2014.6,山东大学管理学院, 管理科学与工程,副教授
2007.9 - 2010.5,英国克力思建筑咨询 EC Harris(伦敦总部),高级工程师
2005.3 – 2007.9,英国阿特金斯建筑咨询 Atkins Global(伦敦总部),顾问工程师
1、辽宁省社会科学规划基金项目, L20BJL013,全供应链集成促进“双循环”新发展格局的作用机理及对策研究,2020.6 至 2022.12,1 万,在研,主持
2、国家社会科学基金,17FGL003 、英国 PPP 政府采购改革实践及对中国的启示、2017-
2020、20 万、已结题、主持。
3、山东省发展和改革委员会,山东省现代服务业发展研究报告、2017-2018、13.5 万、已结题、主持。
4、山东大学青年学者未来计划,2015WLJH16、项目管理可持续性研究、2015-2020、25 万、已结题、主持。
2018、20 万、已结题、参加。
6、山东省自然科学基金,ZR2013GQ014、基于系统动力学的私人融资计划项目管理流程优化研究、2013-2016、4 万、已结题、主持。
7、山东省发展和改革委员会、山东省蓝黄两区重大课题,2012-H-002、基于黄河三角洲高效生态经济区低碳治理体系的研究、2012-2013、10 万、已结题、主持。
1.王楠楠,刘云飞,胡晨旭(2021),基于 OPM3 的 PPP 项目管理绩效提升研究,运筹与管理,(CSSCI)(第一作者)
2.Gong,Z. and Wang, N.*, (2021). The driving process of technological innovation in construction: a firm-level CDM analysis,Construction Innovation, DOI:10.1108/CI-12-2020-0194, (EI) (通讯作者)
3.Wang, N., Gong, Z.*, Xu, Z., Liu, Z., Han, Y., (2021) A quantitative investigation of the
technological innovation in large construction companies, Technology in Society 65 (2021) 101533(SSCI , JCR 一区, 影响因子:2.414)(第一作者)
4.Wang, N. , Ma, M.(2020), Public–private partnership as a tool for sustainable development –
What literatures say? Sustainable Development, (SSCI, JCR 一区 ,影响因子:4.082, 被引频次:7) (第一作者)
5.Chang,Y., Wang, C. ,Khan, M., and Wang, N*. (2020), The Legal System for Environmental Protection during Exploration and Exploitation of Marine Mineral Resources in China, Resources Policy,(SSCI, JCR 二区,影响因子:3.986 ).(通讯作者)
6.Wang, N*., Gong, Z., Liu, Y., and Thomson, C. (2020), The influence of governance on the
implementation of Public-Private Partnerships in the United Kingdom and China: a systematic comparison, Utilities Policy, (SSCI/SCI/EI,JCR 三区, 影响因子:1.835, 被引频次:2 ),Vol 64, 101059.(第一作者)
7.Wang, N*., Ma, M. and Liu, Y. (2020) The Whole Lifecycle Management Efficiency of the Public Sector in PPP Infrastructure Projects, Sustainability 2020, 12(7), 3049;(SSCI/SCI, JCR 二区,
8.Wang, N. (2020) Governing Complex Systems - Social Capital for the Anthropocene (2020), Journal of Cleaner Production, (SCI/SSCI/EI; JCR 一区; 影响因子:7.246),Vol 259,(20) 2020, 120765.(第一作者)
9.Wang,N. and Wu, G., (2020) , A Systematic Approach to Effective Conflict Management for Program, SAGE Open (SSCI,JCR 四区;影响因子:0.246) , vol 10(1): 1–15. (第一作者)
10.王楠楠,《工程项目管理》,北京大学出版社(预计 2020 年出版)
11.王楠楠,《英国 PPP 政府采购改革实践及对中国的启示》,经济科学出版社,2020.4
12.Chang, Y. Wang, M. I.K. Wang, N. *, (2020)Legal Practices and Challenges in Addressing Climate Change and its Impact on the Oceans—A Chinese Perspective, Marine Policy (SSCI 检索,影响因子:3.149;JCR 一区;被引频次:2) (2),Vol111.(通讯作者)
13.Wang, N., Chen, X.*, Wu, G.,(2019),Public Private Partnerships, a Value for Money Solution for Clean Coal District Heating Operations, Sustainability,(SSCI 检索, 影响系数 2.576; JCR 二区,被引频次:7)11, 2386; doi:10.3390/su11082386(第一作者)
14.Wang, N., Ma, M., Wu, G.*, Liu, Y., Gong, Z., Chen, X. (2019), Conflicts concerning construction projects under the challenge of cleaner production – case study on government funded projects, Journal of Cleaner Production, (SCI/SSCI/EI 影响系数 5.715;JCR 一区, 被引频次:10) Volume 225, 10 July 2019, Pages 664-674. (第一作者)
16.王楠楠,( 2018 )《山东省现代服务业发展研究报告( 2018 )》, 山东大学出版社,
17.孙华,王楠楠 (2018) 研发团队共享领导力行为的产生和作用,管理科学,(CSSCI),31,
18.Wang, N., Yao, S.* , Chang, Y. (2018),A meta-frontier DEA approach to efficiency comparison of carbon reduction technologies on project level, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI/SSCI/EI;JCR 一区;影响因子 12.11;被引频次:16),Vol 82,2606-2612.(第一作者)
19.Wang, N., Chang, Y.* (2018) Effectiveness of low-carbon governance implementation in China,
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal (SCI/EI;JCR 四区;影响因子:1.186;
被引频次:10), Vol 17(3), 601-609.(第一作者)
20.Wang, N.,Chen, X.* , Wu, G., et al. (2018) A short-term based analysis on the critical low carbon technologies for the main energy-intensive industries in China,Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI/SSCI/EI;JCR 一区;影响因子:7.246;被引频次:10)171 (2018) 98-106.(第一作者)
21.Wang, N.,Wu, G.* , Chen, X., et al. (2017) Conflicts of Sustainable Development Projects in China,International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (ICMSE 2017) (EI/ISTP检索), Nomi, Japan, 2017 August 17-20. (第一作者)
22.Wang, N. , Yao, S. , Wu, G. , and Chen, X. . (2017). The role of project management in organisational sustainable growth of technology-based firms. Technology in Society, 51(nov.), 124-132. (SSCI/EI,JCR 一区;影响因子:2.414;被引频次:8)
23.王楠楠,姚盛楠,吴国滨,陈小燕 (2017) 参与式领导对员工能力及其职业道德的影响–支
持性组织氛围的中介作用,科技与经济,2017.第 30 卷,第 1 期.(第一作者)
24.Chang. Y,Wang, N.* (2017), Legal System for the Development of Marine Renewable Energy in China, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI/SSCI/EI;JCR 一区;影响因子: 12.11;被引频次:30), Vol 75,2017, 192–196.(第二作者)
25.Wang, N.* , Jiang, D., and Pretoria, L. (2016) Conflict-resolving behaviour of project managers in international projects: A culture-based comparative study, Technology in Society, (SSCI/EI, JCR 一区;影响因子:2.414;被引频次:8)vol47(11)140-147.(第一作者)
26.孙华,王楠楠,丁荣贵 (2016) 依托组织核心能力的开放式创新模式选择,科研管理
27.Chang, Y., Wang, N.* (2015) The Restructuring of the State Oceanic Administration in China: Moving Toward a More Integrated Governance Approach (Corresponding author), International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law(SSCI,JCR 三区;影响因子:0.612;被引频次:5),vol30,795- 807.(第二作者)
28.王楠楠 (2015)《低碳治理体系与实现路径研究-以山东省为例》,清华大学出版社(独著)
29.Wang, N., Chang, Y.* , Zhang, C, et al. (2015) Comparison of Housing Facility Management between Mainland China and Taiwan Region, ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, (SCI/SSCI/EI;JCR 三区;影响因子:1.631, 被引频次:9 )29(4), 06014008.(第一作者)
30.Wang, N.* (2014) The role of the construction industry in China’s sustainable urban development,
Journal of Habitat International (SSCI/EI;JCR 一区;影响因子:4.447;被引频次:64), Vol 44(2014)442-450.(独著)
31.Wang, N. * (2014), Correlation analysis of capital and life cycle costs in Private Financial Initiative projects, ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering,(SCI,JCR 一区,影响因子:2.867, 被引频次:9 )vol 30(5), 06014002(独著)
32.王楠楠, (2014), 《卓有成效的项目领导者》,中国电力出版社,译著,2014.4.(独著)
33.王楠楠, (2014), 《卓有成效的项目管理》, 中国电力出版社, 译著, 2014.4. ISBN 9787512356122(独著)
34.Wang,N.,Chang,Y.(2014) The Development of Policy Instruments in Supporting Low-Carbon Governance in China, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews,(SCI,JCR 一区,影响因子: 12.11,被引频次:35 ), 35C (2014), pp. 126-135. (第一作者)
35.Wang,N., Chang,Y.(2014) The evolution of low-carbon development strategies in China, Energy,
(SCI,JCR 一区,影响因子:6.08,被引频次:41), Vol 68(2014),61-70 (第一作者)
36.Wang, N., Wei, K., Sun, H. (2014), Whole Life Project Management Approach to Sustainability, ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering,(SCI,JCR 一区,影响因子:2.86,被引频次:53) Vol30(2), 246-255. (第一作者)
37.Wang,N.,Chang,Y., Zhao,Y.(2013),The current development of the ocean governance mechanism in China, Journal of coastal management, (SCI,JCR 四区,影响因子:1.547,被引频次: 10), Vol.41(2),120-133, (第一作者)
38.Wang,N. ,Chang,Y.,and A.El-Sheikh (2012), Monte Carlo simulation approach to life cycle cost management, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering - Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance (SCI,JCR 二区,影响因子:2.62 ,被引频次:53),Vol 8(8), 739- 746. (第一作者)
39.Wang,N.,R.M.W.,Chang,Y. Horner, Y,Chang. (2012), Is Privatization the Answer for Social
Housing? - A Comparative Study of China and the United Kingdom, Journal of Housing and Society, (SSCI,EI,影响因子 1.67)Vol 39, (1),99-124. (第一作者)
41.Wang, N.,《The theory and application of whole life costing management for modern construction
industry》, 吉林省出版集团,(英文独著)2011.5, ISBN 9787546354095
43.Wang,N.,Chang,Y.,Ding,R.(2011),The path towards low-carbon governance for China [C], IEEE Proceedings of the 1st International Technology Management Conference(ITMC 2011) pp. 547- 550 (EI, ISTP), Califonia, US, (第一作者)
44.Wang,N. , Ding,R., Radosavljevic, Sun, H. ( 2011 ) Practice sustainability in PFI project
management [C], IEEE Proceedings of the 1st International Technology Management Conference(ITMC 2011)pp. 717-722 (EI, ISTP), Califonia, US.(第一作者)
45.Wang,N.,(2011) Risk Identification for the Operation of PFI Projects, The 2nd International
Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2011),(EI,ISTP),pp1212-1215.( 第一作者)
46.Wang,N.*,(2011) Risk allocation in the operational stage of private finance initiative projects, ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, (SCI/SSCI/EI;JCR 二区;影响因子: 1.648; 被引用频次:14),Vol 25(6),598-605.(独著)
47.Chang , Y. *, Wang, N. ( 2010 ) Ship recycling and marine pollution, Marine Pollution
Bulleten,(SCI/EI; JCR 一区;影响因子:4.049;被引用频次:47),Volume 60, ( 9), pp 1390- 1396(第二作者)
48.Chang,Y.* ,Wang, N. and K. Sumser-Lupson (2011) Port Social and Culture Survey in the South West of England, Journal of Coastal Research (SCI;JCR 二区,影响因子 0.793;被引用频次: 3),Vol27, (6): pp156 – 161.(第二作者)
49.Wang,N.* (2011) Multi-criteria decision making model for whole life costing design, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering - Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance, Structure an Infrastructure Engineering, (SCI/SSCI; 影响系数 2.62;JCR 一区;被引用频次: 17), Vol 7(6), pp441-452.(第一作者)
50.Chang,Y.*, Wang,N.(2010) Environmental Regulations and Emissions Trading in China, Journal
of Energy Policy (SCI/SSCI/EI;影响系数 5.042;JCR 一区;被引用次数 91), Vol38,(7),
51.Wang,N.*,Chang,Y.(2010) Carbon print studies for the energy conservation regulations of the UK and China,Journal of Energy and Buildings, (SCI/EI;影响系数 4.867;SJR 一区;被引用频
次:28),Vol 42(5), pp695-698.(第一作者)
52.Wang,N., Chang, Y.* and Nunn, C.(2010) Lifecycle assessment for sustainable design options of a commercial building in Shanghai, Journal of Building and Environment (SCI/EI;影响系数4.971;SJR 一区;被引用频次:53), Vol45(6), pp1415-1421.(第一作者)
53.Wang, N., Horner, M(. 2007),CSI model for estimating road maintenance projects,Construction
Management and Economics, 2007, 25(12), pp. 1269–1281. (EI;被引用频次:7)(第一作者)
54.Wang,N. (2005) New approaches to whole life costing design optimisation, PhD Thesis, University of Dundee.(独著)